The Cathar and Togruta are only available through the Cartel Market, and makes it available across an entire account on purchase. The chart below shows which species are available for each class by default for subscribers.

All others must be purchased one way or another, whether that be through the Cartel Market, or through purchasing subscriber status. The Human, Zabrak and Cyborg species are available for all playable classes for free-to-play players. It was announced on Apthat Nautolan would be introduced as a playable species with the Onslaught expansion in September 2019. So far, Chiss, Cyborg, Humans, Miraluka, Mirialan, Rattataki, Sith Pureblood, Twi'leks, Zabrak, Cathar (first announced during E3 2012 and made available in Game Update 2.1) and Togruta (implemented in the 3.3 Game Update titled 'Grand Togruta Celebration) are available as playable species.

There are a number of species that the player may choose from for their character.